Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dating Tips For Men And Woman:

Dating Tips For Men And Women! Dating Tips for Men: A perfect date will start with buying some nice flowers on a first date, go to a movie and or a nice dinner. On a second date will recommend going to a nice fancy dinner or an event s. Third dates are always a repetition of the first or second date especially if they went well. You can sometimes broaden your experiences by going to a dance club, lounge to get closer to your date. A bar is also an option on the third date but do not get drunk. You want to be conscious of every conversation on a date and do not want to blame any inconsistencies on the alcohol. On a third date ones expectation is always trying to get a first kiss if it did not happen on the first and second dates. And depending on the chemistry and compatibility there is a possibility of love making for the first time before the day or night ends. Dating Tips for Women: A perfect date will include being as nice as you can be, be mindful of what you ask for and do not accept gifts that are out of the norm. In reality men always want something in return after offering generous gifts. Dress nice to impress and do not look tacky or cheap; remember men fall in love with their eyes and the first sight on you determines if they will proceed or not. Do not look too anxious and desperate. Remember play hard to get and not too hard to get. Sometimes show that you are independent by offering to pay nut do not insist if a man says they will take care of the bill. Men like independent women but will ran away from too independent women because they always think they have nothing to offer to you besides physical attraction. Do’s and Don’ts on a first Date: Do make compliments that are true and real. Do not exaggerate and make untruthful compliments .For examples do not tell a woman she looks like Halle Berry when she is not. Or a man he looks like Denzel Washington when he is not. Do tell lies because everyone is expected to tell lies to impress the opposite sex, but limit the lies to make first time impressions and not life time lies that you will hinder the relationships progress in the future. Mind you; you are building a love foundation and should not have loopholes to begin with. Men-do not offer to buy a car for a woman on the first date. It will make you look desperate. And or will make them think you are paying them for their sexuality. Women-do not accept gifts such as a car from men that you do not know, it will lead to rape or altercation. Because when a man offer to buy you a car on the first date; it is too obvious that something is not right. Remember a man will always expect something in return after a nice gesture and will definitely want something bigger after buying a car. A romantic man will start by buying a flower, a coffee, a drink, and or lunch on the first date. And because it is not too expensive, they will not desperately want something in return. Dress nice to impress, mind you first impression always counts. So choose to wear something comfortable and sexy. Do not wear excessive make up but try to highlight your beauty by applying some as you wish. Keep conversations going by talking about common interests with the intent of learning each other’s likes or dislikes? Do not talk about your whole self in the first five minutes. This could take all the curiosity out of the equation and there will be nothing to talk about anymore. Do flirt, but do not use intensive sexual content on the first day. People want to talk about sexuality but are sometimes not comfortable doing so on the first date. And sometimes it will bring out the impression that he or she is looking for sex. Do subtly touch one another to test the waters but do not attempt to make inappropriate sexual moves unless you see a signal from the opposite sex. And be careful not to misread the signals and throw your date off. Talk about past experiences but do not try to impress your date by talking about your past relationships. Especially; not the one that your ex bought you nice things, take you to expensive places etc…Red flag! Your date will think you are a gold digger. Men-do not talk about sports or cars except if a female counterpart starts a conversation on such topics. Do not talk about fashion; most women will think you are gay. Talk about a nice romantic movie you have seen, a song or even talk about hobbies and favorite things they like to do. A man or woman wants someone classy as well as freaky. Therefore; there should be a balance in approach. Do not get drunk and avoid talking about controversial topics on the first date. Make the conversation a two way street

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