Monday, January 24, 2011

Food For Thought!

Why do most people think there is a perfect relationship? Neither a perfect man nor a woman exist! It is all about finding the imperfect person and seeing how perfect they are. Learn to sacrifice and accept each other and have a long lasting relationship....

Food For Thought!!

My advice to all women out there! Everyone needs a good shoulder to cry on when relationships go wrong, but be aware of your relationship advice from your female friends! They will always be on your side, but the advice they give is not always that constructive and helpful to the situation! No offense Ladies!

Romance ?

Romance is underrated with many mates. And Unfortunately, the majority of couples allow life to get in the way and put romance on the back of the line. Romance can be achieve by the smallest possible things that one can do for their partners . An example can be sending nice flowers and a card to your partner at his/her work place.

Unspoken Affection....

Sometimes we let affection, go unspoken...Sometimes we let our love,go unexpressed... Sometimes we can't find words to tell our feelings...Especially towards those we love the best. Men act like machos and cannot express how they feel about their loved ones...Women get comfortable and do not want to engage in activities with their men!! Get it right people, it is a two way street!

Sexual Labels or What?

I've always felt that sexuality is a really slippery thing. In this day and age, it tends to get categorized and labeled, and I think labels are for food. Canned food!!!!

Emotional Scabs!

It's easy to pick at your emotional scabs when an ex is only a browser away, but it's likely best for your sanity to stop itchin' your stitches and let some scar tissue form. Let's face it, Facebook ain't just a pain in the A to the double S because of that whole privacy thing:It's a charnel house for old relationships.There you can see your ex's life played out in pictures, his/her every move documented in statuses!

Relationship Needs Repair?

If you’re looking for a sign or status update on your relationship, you might want to take a closer look at your sex life.If you aren’t doing it, there is a problem.There may be reasons.Maybe it’s his problem or maybe it’s your problem.But if you aren’t being physically intimate with each other on a mutually satisfactory basis, there’s a good chance that your relationship foundation is broken and needs repair!!

Afraid Of Liking Someone?

Have you ever met someone that you wanted so much that you were so afraid to talk to them when you saw them. Afraid to like them after talking to them, afraid to love them after liking them and end up being in a strong relationship with them and now fear to loose them?

Sexual Troubles?

Definately you are in big trouble if this applies to you as a man during sexual stimulation, foreplay and/or intercourse: Seek Help! Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Lack of genital sensation, tingling and/or warmth with sexual arousal. Difficulty achieving orgasm or achieving orgasm too quickly. Loss of intensity... of orgasm (orgasms feel muffled).Lack of sexual interest.

You know you have problems in bed if two of the listed applies to you during sexual stimulation, foreplay and/or intercourse: Vaginal dryness. Lack of genital sensation, tingling and/or warmth with sexual arousal. Difficulty achieving orgasm. Loss of intensity of orgasm (orgasms feel muffled).... Genital pain either with or without sexual contact. Lack of sexual interest. None of the above

Your Family Continues Dating Your EX...

You met someone and your family falls in love with him/her, but things did not work out and you break up with him/her...but he/she continues to communicate with your family and they respond nice to him/her because he/she was nice to them before you too break up...How would you handle a scenerio like this?

Love Is Shy....

Love is shy..shyness is what you feel when approaching or getting approached by other people...If you are shy and able to control the anxiety of connecting with people, you will find love.....

Nothing In Life Is Perfect..!

I am sure many of us have found ourselves in such dilemas when: Perhaps your relationship is both wonderful and terrible, your job both wretched and stimulating, your worst habit both destructive and helpful. Reconciling these apparent brain-benders seems impossible, but if you understand the dynamics of dualism, you can transform such dilemmas into sources of insight! Nothing in life is perfect!

Acknowledging Self....

Are you ready to examine your life with the intention of identifying some of your shadow behaviors...Can you acknowledge your personal limitations (e.g., jealousy, revengefulness, short temper, laziness) to your romantic partner or spouse and still feel good about yourself?

Ditching Your Dating Type?

Ladies!!It's time to ditch your dating type!This ideal man is brutal,and you don't know what he does for a living,you're too busy sitting around fantasizing a dream man..I think it's important,for you ladies to realize you'all have something to offer from an authoritative point of view.This way you can school him on abstract expressionism,while he teaches you how to drive stick. Everybody wins and nobody gets bored

Controlling Your Emotions...

Is there a nagging problem that has been building in your life forever that you’ve been hoping would simply go away? Merely acknowledging the bigger issue will take some pressure off. You’re irritable and sad, but you’re not sure why? I think is time to calm yourself and start by taking a few deep breaths to get your emotions under control

Female Orgasm...A Lesson For Men..!

The female body is able to experience as many as five types of orgasm and are namely clitoral, vaginal, G-spot, anal and mind . All of the above can be stimulated in different ways. Mind orgasm is probably the most powerful female stimulation experience. There are no boundaries as to what you may experience by mentally stimulating your female partner. The mind plays a part in every other type of orgasm that existed. There is a total body orgasm that occurs during clitoral,G-spot,or mind orgasm that may caused a woman to be electrified throughout their entire body, usually causing body spasm such as jerking, shaking or doubling over. Moaning, screaming, panting and gasping can all be results of full body orgasms. Some may result experiences such as extreme sensitivity during orgasm that can further cause mind and body stimulatations that could cause hot flashes,chills,and female ejaculations. The clit can be rubbed fast, slow, hard,up,down,left,right,in circles or any combination using finger,fingers,mouth,tongue,palm,penis,pelvic area, or whatever else you can imagine during clitoral orgasm. Once the clit is highly sensitive, just a little touch can go a long way. Some females like the same type of stimulation over and again and some like different type of stimulation once every while. Many techniques can be used during oral stimulation. It can be sucked gently,hardly,nibbled,or kissed. G-spot orgasm as said spot ,you got to find that spot and as you do to the clit you can also stimulate the spot and could reach arousal and hence ejaculation. For most women the G-spot is difficult to find cause it is a small vaginal cavity that is not usually a sensitive area to most women until it is fully aroused. So if there is good communication between you and your partner; you may asked her to tell you where the G-spot is. Once you find it,you can stimulate that spot by rubbing it slow,fast or in circles and can be nibbled by your tongue. Female orgasm can be reached by a G-spot stimulation and can differ in degree from a small sensation to full body orgasm.


2rays book is an online community created to help singles, make new friends or to find a life-long partner that shares similar values, those in relationships and marriages with difficulties can build or rebuild their relationships stronger. By utilizing the many features, to include email, blogs, message to enhances relationship-building within communities. Folks will leverage each other to discuss issues, find common ground and resolve. Sections will include tips on how to meet people, start, build and sustain relationships etc...